Our Mission:
Inspired by The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, Loyola on the Potomac, a Jesuit Retreat House, seeks to encourage and support an individual’s spiritual growth and promote a relationship of depth with God.
Guided by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, we journey in hope, prayer, and contemplation, we enter ever more deeply into the wondrous relationship Christ invites us to share. Through the movements of the Exercises, we meet Christ just as we are today. We walk alongside Him as He shares the Good News with the world. We accompany Him as He journeys to Calvary. And, we rejoice with Him, embracing the abundant life of the Resurrection.
Together, let’s journey together with the Risen Christ, accepting His invitation to see all things new, and to become His new creation.
Give the gift of seeking God the Ignatian way.
Since 1958 Loyola on the Potomac has been supported on the wings of angels near and far. We are calling on new Angels to help us provide the same meaningful spiritual experience that you and many others are able to enjoy.
You can use a memorial brick to remember your loved ones, acknowledge special occasions (such as baptisms, marriages, graduations, birthdays), honor your family and so much more as you walk the pathway of the Stations of the Cross.
Contribute to our annual appeal to help sustain Loyola on the Potomac for the coming year.
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